Deepen your creative approaches with Keynote on iPad as we dive into a world of digital storytelling through art and animation, uncovering hidden tales and imaginative concepts. In this session, I will work through the development of an animated scene using Keynote: integrating elements of transitions between day and night, building reflections, simulating water, and adding in pre-made GIFs to add to the overall content. Much of the skills that I will demonstrate will come from those documented in Animation Creation! Feel free to have a read through this and experiment with the ideas before the session if you so wish.
You may wish to observe and listen as I talk through each individual approach or even create your own imaginative world alongside mine: it is completely up to you! Attached below, you will find the Keynote deck that we will use along with a sample of colour pallets that you can draw from using the colour picker option.
When and Where
Session 1
Start Time:
27-Jul-2020 20:00 BST
End Time:
27-Jul-2020 21:00 BST
Location: https://zoom.us/j/99367687964?pwd=TG52cVhld0xOR3Z5U2ovNG40djRXUT09
Meeting ID: 993 6768 7964
Password: keynote​
Session 2
Start Time:
31-Jul-2020 12:00 BST
End Time:
31-Jul-2020 13:00 BST
Location: https://zoom.us/j/93866184094?pwd=YkhaWDhCTnR2M3pXUnNkK0toOVN6QT09
Meeting ID: 938 6618 4094
Password: ADE​